Música Celta

Selecionado por Stingray Music Team

A eterna e universal música celta, com raízes na Irlanda, Escócia, Gales e Bretanha.

Desculpe, seu provedor de TV não possui esse canal de música.



William Coulter

Christy Moore

Kathleen MacInnes


Liam Ó Maonlaí

Shay, Michael & Martin Black

Baka Beyond

Kate Rusby

Maddy Prior


The Herring Girl
Songs Lost & Stolen
Bean an Fhir Rua
The Chieftains 2
Mo Choil
Harvest Storm
Paddy's Green Shamrock Shores
The Liberty Tapes
The Morning Dew
The Chieftains 4
The Banks of the Quay / Crucaharan Cross
Selected Jigs Reels & Songs
Flooers o the Forest
Prentice Piece
Siuil A Ruin
The Boatbuilders
Celtic Colours Volume X
Tabhair Dom Do Lamh
The Chieftains 5