Folk Roots

Samengesteld door Stingray Music Team

Creatieve en scherpe teksten gecombineerd met meesterlijke muzikale kwaliteiten onderstrepen het hart van Folk Roots.

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Kris Drever

Ashley Condon

Sneezy Waters

Joe Nolan


Kieran Kane

Rufus Wainwright

Eric Andersen

The Stills-Young Band

Rockin' Sidney


It's a Shame
Temperance Hotel
Ten Degrees And Getting Colder
One More Time Before You Go
One More Time Before You Go
One More Time Before You Go
A Better Place
Tightening of the Screws
Spirit To The Sea
Blood On The Page
Tightening of the Screws
Night Drive
Everything at the Same Time
Out On the Western Plains
A Passing Glimpse
The Herring Girl
Songs Lost & Stolen
Donald and Lydia
John Prine